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  • Writer's pictureAlexander Asiedu


Updated: Dec 20, 2020

If you're wondering how you could survive in a hostile world, follow these easy steps

1. Improve your appearance

The one thing you can do to make your life easier is to improve your appearance. Here’s one of the lies that you hear a lot: “It’s the insides that matter”. This lie hurts a lot of people because your appearance matters a lot in life. Looking good will make your life easier. I listed this as number one because you can immediately start taking advantage of it. Your haircut, clothes, shoes, skincare, teeth, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and posture matter a lot and they all can be improved.

2. Avoid paying the price for the mistakes other people make

Life is already hard and it makes no sense to make it harder by paying for the mistakes other people make.

3. Get rid of the victim mentality and adopt a victor mentality

The victim mentality is so widespread in modern society that it cripples the lives of billions of people. It’s no joke. You must take full responsibility for your life. You have the power to make great things happen when you ditch the victim mentality and adopt a victor mentality.

4. Avoid instant gratification

Seeking instant gratification is the default human behavior because humans are hardwired to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and take the path of the least resistance in attaining their goals. Corporations have long been aware of this weakness and they exploit it to the end. Instant gratification always ends up with self-loathing.

5. Seek the truth

It’s disheartening to find out that everything you were told was a lie. The truth might hurt your feelings, contradict your beliefs, and be hard to accept. But the truth is the truth whether you accept it or not. Never be afraid of the truth. The truth has the potential to make you free. Learning the truth about how the world works will make it easier to navigate it. Learning the truth about making money will make you rich. Learning the truth about fitness will make you fit. Learning the truth about humans will improve your relationships.

6. Get Rid of Your Unrealistic Expectations

Many people waste away their lives with unrealistic expectations which will never materialize. Setting your expectations straight will save you a lot of disappointment and make your life easier.

7. Never take advice from average people

If the advice of average people actually worked, they wouldn’t be average themselves in the first place. Humans are always dying to give advice to others but the reality is that 99% of the people have no business giving any advice whatsoever. Ignore the advice of the unqualified persons and seek genuine experts who actually achieved anything worthwhile in life.

8. Don’t compare your life to the lives of others

Social media is all a façade. The new car your neighbor bought is on credit. The house your colleague bought is on 15 years mortgage and it’s overpriced. The relationships of most people suck. The reality is that the lives of most people suck. There’s no point in following what they are doing with their lives. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on the winners. Focus on winning.

While the journey to change your life is not always easy, it should ultimately be enjoyable. You should enjoy learning more about yourself, your goals, and your motivations.

In conclusion, life is a journey full of epistemic situations involving imperfect or unknown information but whatever it may be the power lies in your hands to pursue the right course. In order to get rid of hardships coming your way adapt a victor mentality, improve as an individual and start the process with a result oriented focus.

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